No one is entirely sure whether the Drazz are native to the underhives of Moxa, or if these insectoid folk have their origins elsewhere. That’s primarily because when they explain themselves, no one has the faintest idea what they're saying. Blame it on the enormous pair of mandibles that misshape their mouths and slur their speech, resulting in frequent sprays of mush and spittle. Be sure to stand back when conversing…
Good with their wide array of available hands, Drazz frequently work as tinkers, repair-people and artisans, though they do have a reputation for aggression. It's unclear whether they are naturally ill-tempered – or just frustrated at being totally unable to express themselves – but they can often be found slurring scathing insults in their soggy native language, while wandering the streets of the world's most metropolitan cities.
Many hands make light work, or so the saying goes. The Drazz are living proof of that, making light work of any opponents on the table with their ability to use both weapons in one attack.